Congress of Asian Catholic Laity Proclaiming Jesus Christ in Asia
Today Elenco iscritti
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1. Kazakhstan 2. Nepal 3. Taiwan 4. Hong
Kong 5. Thailand 6. Turkmenistan 7. Pilippine 8. Vietnam 9. Sri
Lanka 10. Japan 11. India 12. Malaysia 13. Uzbekistan 14. Pakistan 15. Mongolia 16. Indonesia 17. Macau 18. Korea
1. Papa
Giovanni XXII 2. Coop.
Opus Dei 3. Beatitudes 4. Catholic
Fraternity 5. Schönstatt 6. ICCRS 7. Equipes
Notre Dame 8. Jesus
Youth 9. Couples
of Christ 10. Institution
Teresiana 11. Pax
Romana MIIC 12. Cursillos 13. C.
Neocatecumenale 14. Marriage
Encounter 15. San
Vincenzo 16. CIJOC 17. UMOFC 18. Comunione
e Liber. 19. Araldi 20. Fondacio 21. Opera
di Nazaret 22. CVX(CLC) 23. Regnum
Christi 24. Focolare 25. Emmanuel 26. Legio
Mariae 27. Pax
Romana MIEC 28. JECI
(IYCS) 29. IWE
(ICPE Mission) 30. FIMARC 31. Faith
& Light 32. Knights
of Columbus 33. HK
CLMA 34. S.
Egidio 35. MIJARC 36. Ist.
GPII (Melina)